Monday, August 27, 2007

Once Again the Media is Short-Sighted About Technology

How many uses can you think of for a 1 terabyte (1000 GB) CD? is reporting about a new technology ("TeraDisc") developed by Memphile (to whom they didn't bother to link). It uses 200 5MBGB layers to store the data.

That's astounding isn't it. Let you mind wander at the possibilites.

Or you can be short-sighted like they were:
It's hard to imagine that a disc format not invented by one of the world's big technology firms could become a future industry standard. But it's perfectly conceivable that these discs might one day be used in libraries to archive digital copies of books and so forth.

Yet another example of short-sighted people claiming technology won't be widely used.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Oh, How Language Changes

Modern Mechanix blog has a wonderful article from the Nov 1934 Popular Science on Playing with Matches and Lighting Gasoline on Fire.

Embeded in the article is this sidebar:

Popular Science reported a poll (circa 1934, I would assume) whereby they discovered that the word iodine is pronounced "i-o-DEEN", chloride is pronounced "KLOR-id" and oxide is pronounced "OX-id."

Funny how things change.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cooler than Any Words

steampunk goggles On eBay UK for the next 17 hours.

These are the coolest steampunk eyewear/goggles/monocles I've seen!
Apparently made by Alex CF. Check out his site!

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Esoteric Humor -- Part 3

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Esoteric Humor -- Part 2

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Esoteric Humor -- Part 1

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Friday, July 27, 2007

This is why you can't LARP, honey!

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