The past day has me awash with the nagging feeling that Daphne's gone for good. Niles factor: 9


Just started reading Bridget Jones's Diary. Who the hell writes diaries that detailed? I've seen detailed blogs, but nothing like this. Clearly fiction, but entertaining.

Oy, three songs to learn by New Year's Gig. "Smooth," "Drive" [Incubus, not Cars], and "Another Thing/Think Coming" by Judas Priest.

You should come celebrate with me and my band on New Years...


Emmy has moved, but doesn't have her site up yet! Emmy!!!O_o

I'm in Emu-shaped-object-web-cam withdrawal...
Christmas has sent my "Niles Index" soaring. I'm at 8 or 9 out of 10. So if you see Daphne, tell her I'm pining...
Wow. I was so sick, then Christmas, then Blogger.com got hacked... Sorry no posts. More soon. Feel free to bitch at me when I don't post! ^_^

On the good side, Eliza's back online! O_O


Well, I got cleaned up before my friend got here. Congratulate me! He's here now. Gotta go!


Well, it's down to the wire. I've been up past midnight for two weeks cleaning and blogging, then cleaning just to get ready. My best friend from childhood is coming to see me tomorrow! I haven't seen him in at least ten years. In our mutual absence we have both joined bands. He plays guitar. I picked up guitar and he keyboards (he got one exactly like mine, conicidence) at just about the same time.

I'm so excited! Hope I get it all done by noon tomorrow. Wish me luck.
This guy(?) Sam(?) is a total riot. Go there and read the archive. Especially Fun with Pictures.
If not, at least look at the look into the Harriet Carter catalogue. Do yourself a favor...
Ooop! Eliza got busted by the 'rents! We're pulling for you, hon . . . cristina always has the most bitchen layout! Go there!
Visit nikki! Assure her there are guys out there that don't care about breast size! I'm sure there are tons of us guys who like an intelligent, musical woman.. Let her know!


Daphne! you there? Miss you!


My first manga art thing! And my second!.

Email me your critique! Be sure it's constructive. I really would like to hear it. BTW, I know the eyes are too far apart on both of them. XP But anything else would be appreciated! (I sorta ran out of room on the page on the first one. I was just drawing eyes and decided to finish the face. I had to erase an eye to make room. Then the page ran out... O_o) Media: Crayola drawing pad and a #1 and a #3 pencil. [Don't have the guts to ink yet. Don't know anything about coloring...]

Welcome, becklyn! Get that blog up girly-girl! ^_^
I'm so happy! I just drew my first Manga-style face. I'm not an artist by a long shot, and it's made me very happy. w00t! I'll try to scan it for you. A special thanks to howtodrawmanga.com for the easy-to-understand tutorials...

I know, I'm probably just a sheep, but I wanted some original Manga/Anime for my blog. Baaaahhhh!

Sigh, bed time.


"wow, you're 17 already." why must everyone do that?! do you KNOW how much it freaks me out to say i'm old?" I commented on that line (17? Old? Feh!), and have gotten a bunch of refers from there. So, I'll tell ya, go see jen's blog. So there.

Plus anywhere I can see pics of Claire Daines is okey-dokey by me XD!
This is bitchen [if you're old XD]: 10 in 1 TV Games. Built-in Activision games include River Raid, Pitfall, Tennis, Freeway, Spider Fighter, Atlantis, Crackpots, Boxing, Ice Hockey and Grand Prix. Review. Manufacturer. Spiegle Listing.


I gotta figure out this "Grundge Brush" thing. Any hints? Can you email me? Throw me a bone here, Skippy. [And I mean "Skippy" in the figurative sense. You can email me even if you name's not Skippy.]
Current Music: KraftWerk.
I'd forgotton how much I liked their stuff.

This is hilarious. And true.
Wow! O_o Blogspot just removed my banner on the last publish! Yaaaay! Or in EmuSpeak: w00t!
Did I tell you? We did the Amy Grant song for a Christmas-y service yesterday. It went well. Thanks for asking. She-who-must-not-be-named even complimented us on the sound. Will wonders never cease?


Britney [teardrops] plugged me! Thanks, dear! Why is this "weird" though? I have not yet begun to fight. Then you'll see weird my pretty! (And your little blog too!)

My blog is only 5 days old today and already I need a new layout!

How long doth it take blogspot to get rid of that stinking ad once I've paid? Hmmm? Someone light a fire under their butt!
Did I mention I saw Harry Potter again today? (Well, yesterday.)

I saw it on opening day too. Both times I actually got choked up over how much the movie looked exactly like what I pictured as I read the books. Frightening.

The only movie adapation that came closer to the actual book was The Shawshank Redemption, but it had about 200 less pages of material to cover. :-)
Cool! My first "clique" (sort of) Eliza Dushku Fans. And I got an honest-to-goodness plug from sar. [Except she thinks I'm female, alas...]

In case any of you constant readers didn't get it, that's Dark Angel's Jessica Alba in my grax up there...


Wow. Someone saw my blog via Xander's Stats (his site). Which is odd, cause I though he left for OZ yesterday. Someone else looking at his stats saw my blog? Unlikely, but as Sherlock used to say "when all alternatives are eliminated, that which remains, however improbable, is the answer." [Not an exact quote, despite the delimiters.]

Somebody email me!!!
There's a lot of blog with some cool design out there, BUT IF I SEE ONE MORE BLOG WITH DHTML SNOWFLAKES I'M GONNA HAVE A FREAKING ANEURYSM !!!!
Well, I've about got the song learned. It's amazing how much faster that [figuring out songs] goes when you do it all the time. I remember being asked in high school (as a junior) if I could figure out a song, and I looked at them cross-eyed XD.


oh, this is cera's site...
cera has a very cool blog. She a strugging(?) songstress somewhere in california. She's a vegan and probably very "lilith fair"-y but she has a haunting voice. And knack for lyrics. You should stop by there and nab some MP3's from her journal. Cause I say so.
Wow. Just read that [below]. What a pity party. Sorry 'bout that.

Still haven't touched the Amy Grant song. Gotta set up my keyboard, still packed away from the last gig. Guess I should practice. Plus I gotta figure out "Everybody Have Fun Tonite" by Wang Chung. Didn't realize how many freaking keyboards there were in that. Oyay. 'Course Wang Chung used a sequencer...

I need to set up a site for the band. We're called Arena and the band itself has been around for years. Even opened for Kansas once. I've only been with them since August ['01].
I'm feeling pretty worthless today. Might be the failing diet or lack of sleep. Mostly I think it's cause no one's emailing me! Like I'm just ancillary to everyones lives.

As many times as my life has revolved around someone else, no one else's even remotely hovers near mine. A lot of time I feel like I could drop off the earth and the only ones who'd miss me are my daughters, and then not even them so much. Daddy yells too much.

Too much to do. Gotta practice an Amy Grant song for church and learn five new songs for a New Year's eve party.

That reminds me, I have to invite people to it. If you live near northeastern Indiana and 21 or over, email me and I'll send you details.


Well I've got the new graphic up and an email link. So.. I guess you have to tell me what you think. Be honest. I'm becoming addicted to blogging after two days... Time to find a clique, I guess.
Somone has too much time on their hands! Paste the following line into the "Start" -> "Run..." command [in Windows] and hit "OK".
    telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
(...or just type it at the prompt in unix.)
It all started here. I was looking for a Gryffindor sweatshirt on google and came across sar's site.

She says: "In my free time I like to watch Emmy and Xander have sex. Really." I don't even know what that means for sure, but it got me looking at emmy and xander's blogs. Then linking to thier blogger friends and eventually their cliques.

All very intriguing to find this subculture I'd never heard of. And with bitchen Web design. I've been a Web developer for years as a profession and didn't know this existed.

Go figure. It might be because I'm American or old enough to be emmy and xander's fath-- er.. older cousin. :-)

I thought I'd give it a shot. Here I am. I'll work on the look and feel later.


Well, I'm done dinking with it, I'll post some tomorrow...
could this be catharsis? let's find out.