roo's birthday is coming!

The Rooster is having her eighth birthday tomorrow. Tonight is decorating and cake-baking.

I should probably buy that present too--if I can remember which one she wanted...

Picture on the right.



You know what? Ryan's poems (read them: 1, 2, 3) from The Bachelorette really, really suck.
that shut her up

MOL (Mother Outlaw) was ranting last night, as usual, about what a Bad Person she thinks The Ex is.

"That's her problem. The only way to make her happy is to buy her something."

"Well," says I, knowingly, "her Love Language is Receiving Gifts. You taught her that. The only way you said 'I Love You' when she was a kid was to buy her things. She didn't grow up in a vacuum."


Perhaps she was just wondering what I meant by her daughter not growing up in a vacuum cleaner...


18 hours in february

2/21/03, 7:30 a.m.
Shit! I have to be in court in a half an hour! Hope I have everything ready!

2/21/03, 8:00 a.m.
"Gosh, the last time we were in this courtroom, I was watching you divorce your first husband. Good thing he wasn't there."

2/21/03, 8:07 a.m.
"In the matter of She-who and Ric Johnson..."

2/21/03, 8:17 a.m.
"...must attend Children First within 30 days or show cause why she can't. I will write this up and you will receive it next week. But you are divorced now."

2/21/03, 8:15 a.m.
I saw the sign on the diner door: "No Solicitors." It strikes me that I just represented myself in court. Does that make me a "solicitor?" I take the chance.

I buy The Ex breakfast and lust openly and guiltlessly after the waitress at the next table. It's a good feeling, that. We comment that they've added a salad bar. A salad tub actually. As it was a converted clawfoot tub up on an oak frame with a false floor in the basin. We wonder how that could ever be sanitary. Ah, the joys of living in redneck country.

2/21/03, 8:45 a.m.
"Hey, I still have laundry in my truck, you think I can wash some?"
"Sure, but your mom will be there."
"Oh, I'll survive"

2/21/03, 9:15 a.m.
"You wanna play some cards while the wash is in?"
"Okay, but don't tell Pegleg"

2/21/03, 12:00 p.m.
"See ya later. I'm gonna go take a little nap."

2/21/03, 5:00 p.m.
"Oh, shit! I slept for five hours! I have a party to do!"

2/21/03, 6:00 p.m.
I buy all the champagne and crackers I need and head over to Todd's.

2/21/03, 7:00 p.m.
After a round-table toast that ends with the phrase "...and a collection of pornography" we commence playing trivia games. My three-man team (me, Cowboy and Newman) being the older of the six of us there, won the final three-edition Trivial Pursuit match by being lucky enough to roll our pie full of wedgies into the center hub first.

2/21/03, 11:00 p.m.
"I'm going drinking. Who's with me?" Four of us (two from the party and two late-comers) end up at a dive bar known for it's high percentage of medical-community babes based on it's location. The bar lives up to it's promise and a few tables away, a gaggle of three beautiful brunettes sits to drink. Peer pressure around the table convinces me to buy them a round of drinks. They agree readily and I discover that two of the women are "together" but, to my relief, the really cute one is heterosexual. She returns a shot later. At last call I return the favor and sit down with a woman that was too far gone to even ask for a phone number, but had a nice conversation anyway.

2/22/03, 3:45 a.m.
Click to EnlargeNewman, with whom I've hung out since we were thirteen and with whom I got drunk the first time in my life, drives me to Power's Hamburgers

This is when the evening took a surreal turn. "Surreal" is the only word to describe it.

Power's is a Fort Wayne institution. A 24-hour art deco diner that serves the most wonderfully horrible grilled onion hamburgers anywhere. White Castle can only dream of being what Power's excels at. The patrons are not simply low-income folks. The patrons (at least at 3:45 a.m.) are truly the dregs of society. All attitudes are checked at the door and everyone who walks in is bonded by the unspoken truth that all are Power's junkies and have come to worship at the shrine. If you like Power's, the atmosphere screams, you must be okay.

An older man with a younger woman converse with a blind karaoke host as Newman and I walk in. The two older men behind the counter, one rotund, one slender, both in filthy T-shirts, are the only other people there. The place is nearly half full at this number with five of the nine bar stools occupied and the lone booth sitting empty. The reek of grilled onions and hamburger grease layered on and left to age on the porcelainized sheet metal interior for the last sixty years gives the little diner a singular, memorable and permeating aroma.

Newman orders five with cheese and I order three without (onions are assumed) and the man and woman bid farewell to the blind man and leave. I know this man. He good-naturedly heckled the Mimi Burns Band when I went to see them and considered joining them. I've sung karaoke when he hosted. But now he's a Power's patron, like all of us.

As our burgers slide in front of us on the bar on unadorned, off-white, oval stoneware plates, a wild-eyed young man in spiky bleached hair and camo fatigues sits a the counter beside me, blocking my karaoke conversation and line-singing with the blind man.

The young man, chemically influenced or mentally imbalanced, immediately starts to diss Eminem, affecting a poor (even by white standards) Ebonics dialect. I nod at the man's rant, but take it in stride--he's a Power's fan after all, so he must be okay. He lulls, and my mind flashes to what the diner must look like from the outside, and can't unconvince myself that I'm in an Edward Hopper painting.

The Three Wise Men whisper in my ear and ask the blind man (through the camo man) if he knows "The Scotsman". He sings a bit of the last verse in a tonal lilt that belied his appearance. "The Scotsman" is one of my trademarks.

"Sing it with me" I call, and the camo guy (who gives the air of a rapper wannabe) looks at me cross-eyed but with Powers Respect.

We sing it together and the cooks seem rather unimpressed. But I had fun. The wild-eyed youth to my left starts to ask us with mock attitude what country we're from (we'd sung it on a Scottish brougue) "What? Fuckin' Turkey or something?!?"

We assured him it was Scottish.

"No problem man, I was just asking. That was cool." Camo-man said as the Power's camaraderie overtook him. Two Rent-a-cops came in and took seats on the opposite side of karaoke guy around the corner of the counter. This inspired a new wave of Anti-Marshall-Mathers-speak from my countermate. Suddenly, he breaks into a well-rehearsed rap of how he's better than Eminem.

What could I do? What would you do? I did the only thing that seemed appropriate at that moment.

I beatboxed.

I snared with my hand on the counter and beat with my voice.

He finished. We left. Laughing till it hurt.

2/22/03, 9:00 a.m.
Wake up in New Haven at Newman's apartment. New Haven, Indiana is a hopping place at 9:00 on a Saturday morning. I walk down to the gas station and buy Advil and coffee.

There are two barber shops and four beauty shops packed with patrons. I thought it might be novel to get my hair cut by a barber, but chose the beauty shop because every stylist was cute. And the cutest one cut my hair. It was nice.

2/22/03, 11:00 a.m.
After a bit of "Girls Gone Wild" on DVD, I went to the library and blogged. Newman joined me and we set off for my car.

2/22/03, 1:30 p.m.
We decide to get breakfast at Denny's. Our waitress was young, cute and smiley.

"Angie, can I ask you a question?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No." Smile.
"Would you like to have dinner with me?"
"Do you know how old I am?"
Damn, second time in a week. "Nope."
"I'd love to have dinner with you!"

I gave her my number. She promised to call. She asked if there was anything else I wanted.

"Not that's on the menu."

She blushed and smiled widely.

I tipped her well.

She hasn't called.


oh, this just roasts my chestnuts

Avril LavigneShe stole my look! Dammit!

I was the one, way back in 1982, who started (or tried to) the tie and wristband look! Honest to God! I wore it as a sophomore in high school! I'm the only person who did, of course. And I was a geek. And it never caught on. And it served as a voluntary stigmata.

Where does Avril Lavigne get off making it cool?


". . . you know frankly, going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. You just leave a lot of useless noisy baggage behind. "
      -- Jed Babbin, deputy undersecretary of defense under Bush Sr. on 30 Jan 2003, Hardball


february 22, 2003 3:45 a.m.

Film at eleven...


i am divorced

It took ten minutes.

Then we went out for breakfast.

Then she came over and did some laundry before she had to be at work.

And we played cards while her laundry was in.

So I made her a latte in my new LARGE $1 cups from the Dollar Tree

And we laughed.

And bitched about her mom.

And got our taxes back.

Life is good.


All are invited. Call, email, or private comment me for details.

(She-who-must-not-be-named hates trivia games, so I know she won't be around!)

day until
my divorce
Well "Find someplace quiet with a few friends to drink and play games" won the pole with 15 votes over the 12 votes for "Ask everyone I know to meet me at a bar to celebrate." So I'm looking for a place in Fort Wayne to gather and play trivia-based games and drink champange. Any volunteers?

Still haven't done the debt thing. That's lunch today. Not too worried about it. Meeting She-who-must-not-be-named at McDonald's after work to go over everything. I hope she isn't packing a monkey wrench to throw into the mix.

I'm so hoping that the divorce being final changes the atmosphere around the house. I don't know if MIL will see it, but I'm hoping her friends put a bug in her ear. You know, he's not related to you anymore...


woo hoo!

days until
my divorce
On the phone with female bailiff:

"What do I need to bring other than the parenting class certificate and the settlement document?"

"Nothing, really. You don't even need the settlement document if it's uncontested. The judge will make one for you."

"Wow. Really? But if I bring one?"

"Oh, he'll look at it and incorporate it if he feels like it. But he may just make a new one."

"What if my wife hasn't completed the parenting course? How does that affect me?"

"Oh, you'll get divorced anyway. The judge will just make her take the class within 30 days or show cause why she can't."

"So what's the deal on Friday?"

"All pro se uncontested divorces go at 8:15 a.m. What's your name?"


"Yeah. You're the only one on the docket."

"Well, that was easy."

Happy dance! Happy dance! Happy dance! Happy dance! Happy dance! Happy dance!

days until
my divorce
Well, I still need to divide the debts (it's done in principle, I just have to write it all down). I'll work on it over lunch. She-who is coming over tomorrow night to read through the agreement and sign off on it. I need to call the clerk today and find out what I need to bring, what effect the parenting class has onthe proceedings and whether I need to have the agreement notarized before I go to court.



days until
my divorce
I still have yet to list out the debts/accounts that we are splitting. I can't get a hold of She-who to find out when we're going over the papers or if she'll be able to squeeze in the parenting course. (Probably not.)

I'm very, very sad right now. Feel like I'm neglecting everything...
joe schmillionaire

'Joe Millionaire' Chooses Zora on Finale? How could he choose Zora over Sarah? Just look at the picture! How could just resist such beauty mixed with such blatant subservience? She'd be like the perfect wife. She wouldn't mind being locked away in a closet if you were tired of her. If you look at the other pix over at The Smoking Gun it's clear that not only does she enjoy play with other women, but she like to tie them up too! And if you're in the mood she'll even tie you up!

What more could you ask for in a mate?

And those hooters!

DISCLAIMER: I have never watched "Joe Millionaire" nor do the opinions expressed above necessarily reflect those of 'Bitchen' Ric or the National Baseball League.


oy vey!

days until
my divorce
is "final"
I got all depressed over this last night. I'm hoping the judge says "Fine, I'll sign off on this when she proves she's completed the course, but there's no need for another hearing date." I hope.

I still can't find my birth certificate or our marriage license. I'm almost positive I had the license out earlier...
new links

Christine has linked to me for a while I think. I remember reading this before.

Very nice poetry. Also some limerence thrown in there.

Also, I finally got around to linking Midnight Magicka. Sorry about that, Mag.
you've got questions, I've got answers

Moire asks:

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ironically, I think I've spent my professional and educational career working up to exactly the job I have. I love being an e-commerce Web developer. I have the right blend of programming, big picture, managerial and language skills to do exactly what I'm doing and I'm good at it. Plus the company I work for is incredible. It's almost a college dorm environment.

Let me answer in two ways:
What I would change about my current job:
Shorter hours, and closer to home.

What other jobs I think I would like/be good at:
Writer. Composer/Arranger. Recording Studio Engineer. Independent E-commerce Web Store Manager.
What 10 things would you like to add to your "Lists about you" say in the next 5 years?
  1. Have overcome depression
  2. Published in national magazines
  3. Recorded/produced an album
  4. Have washboard abs
  5. Successfully raising three teenage girls
  6. In love with a beautiful, intelligent, funny woman
  7. Have personally finished my unfinished basement
  8. Have been blogging six years
  9. Discovered a way to shave my own back
  10. Deflowered a few virgins (volunteers?)


crappity crap

days until
my divorce
is "final"
I found out tonight that She-who-must-not-be-named hasn't completed the court-mandated parenting course that we have to have completed (a 2-hour course) before the divorce can be final. And it looks like she won't be able to take it this week. I going forward with the proceedings, but it may not be final till she completes the course.




days until
my divorce
is final
Well, I owe Yndy something large and expensive. I just came back from the library (I got a late start--I slept till 1:20 p.m. after seeing Daredevil last night) where I spent less than an hour completeing the entire divorce decree (in fill-in-the-blank Word doc format) except for debt division. I just need to look up all the amounts and account numbers for that. Whoo-hoo!!!

I still don't know if I need to take birth certificates, marriage liscense etc. to court. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Now I'm off to Fort Wayne with MIL to shop for a washer and dryer (She-who is getting the old ones) at Sears. Thank God for Tax returns.


holy shit! thanks yndy!

Yndy pointed me to this: Self-Service Center: Court Forms: Divorce With Children. There's the form I need to prepare already there in Word format in fill-in-the-blank format. She just saved me days of work! Thank you!!!

The poll results are an exciting race right now. "Ask everyone I know to meet me at a bar to celebrate" has 5 votes, but "Find somplace quiet with a few friends to drink and play games" has 6! I will do whatever the final tally is on Feb 20th. So vote now!

Also, thanks to the two men (I assume) who voted for "Go to a meat-market bar with a couple of male friends and look for meaningless sex." Can I assume you are the two guys I'd take with me?

days until
my divorce
is final
Well, yesterday's lunch was spent writing the John Ritter piece below. Last night was no better. I ended up tired anyway and watched the rest of Hearts in Atlantis so I could take it in, and ran to Wal-Mart because MIL needed hamburger and fabric softener. By the time I got home at 9:30, "That 70's Show" was on and I thought I'd watch the end of it before sleeping at 10:00.

I should have known better.

A double episode of "King of the Hill" kept me up until 11:00. Shit.

Doing bank errands over lunch today and that Valentine's thing with a friend tonight. I may have some time after work to get a start, but it looks like tomorrow morning. I'll let you know.

ADDENDUM: I am a bit concerned that I don't know exactly what documents are required for court. Anyone with Indiana experience out there?


john ritter dance
from the TMI department

It happened this morning. I was suddenly possessed by the pratfall poltergeist that somehow escaped from John Ritter.

It happened when I got out of the shower. I went to don my clean, white, folded boxer briefs with the familiar "FTL" logo around the waistband. Except they were a bit tight trying to pull them up my thighs. And they weren't boxer briefs--they were whitey-tighties.

In short, they weren't mine.

The moment I realized they weren't mine, the pratfall poltergeist borrowed from Mr. Ritter invaded my body and I nearly tripped during my one-legged hop-dance to rid myself of the awful entity. I couldn't have been more disgusted or removed them more quickly had it been a king cobra I was trying to don.

A few seconds of flappy-handed shaking and shivering in disgust later, I gingery plucked the poisonous pair and pitched them.

On the waistband, I saw, was an "M," Tattooine's last initial. Prison laundry mark? Do homeless drunks that live in their trucks without a driver's license need to mark their eidy-didies?

See what happens when you clean the bedroom and your mother-in-law washes the bleach load?

new poll

New poll at right.

Vote early. Vote often.
maybe i'll just stay single for a long, long time

how true, how very, very true

days until
my divorce
is final
MIL decided to go out for the evening, which was very good news. I made the kids dinner and got them headed toward bed and found myself dead tired from nearly two weeks of short sleep. I had rented Hearts in Atlantis because it was free when I rented Sweet Home Alabama for the girls. So I decided to read up on the divorce documents (I have a very helpful guide called Divorce Yourself: The National No-Fault Divorce Kit by Daniel Sitarz, ISBN 0-935755-63-2) and watch a little of the movie as I'd just finished the audiobook version of the novel. I read and discovered that the document construction will be easier than I'd imagined--my mind had made it a huge task since the last time I picked up the book.

So I watched about 45 minutes of Hearts and called it a night about 9:00. Then I remembered that I had to get Sweet Home Alabama back to the video store as it was a new release and it was only a one-day rental. So I begrudgingly re-dressed and took the movie back and made it back into the sack about 9:30. I slept till 5:30, so I actually got eight hours of sleep. That's very good for me. Long-time readers know what a major effect sleep has my whole being.

I have now decided that getting to bed by 10:00 every night until the divorce (Friday an exception as I can sleep late on Saturday) is nearly as important as writing the documents. I should be able to get something done over lunch today on the divorce outline anyway.

Thank God for floppy disks.


divorce countdown

days until
my divorce
is final
Tell all your friends! For the next 9 nine days I'll be counting down until my divorce is final. I'll even blog over the weekend! I'm am preparing my own settlement document. I was advised by a lawyer that if I'd already come this far on my own and nothing is contested, then filing it myself shouldn't be a problem. So far I've written exactly none of the document. I have a good guide to go by, but I haven't formalized anything. MIL had been leeching my available time and that's going to stop.

I'd like to ask that you refrain from criticism over my decision to file this without a lawyer. I know well most of your stories and arguments. It's too late to do anything about it now anyway. (Unless I file a continuance, and nobody involved wants that.) All comments of support and encouragement are, of course, welcome.

My goal for tonight is to outline the whole document (with empty spaces for each section). Come by tomorrow and see how I did. Hopefully blogging this will help me to be accountable and make me more goal-oriented.


stupid quiz time


what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla
request and requests?

Does anyone have a copy of the Parker Brother's game called Pit that they are willing to part with? I'd like to get a deck, but don't feel like paying full retail plus shipping on the Net and I can't find it in town. Anyone?

Also, I'm taking blog requests. Are there any plot lines (of my life) that I've introduced here but haven't revisited? Anything you're dying to know how it came out? Let me know. Also, if you want to send me a list of questions (no matter how personal) I'll be happy to attempt to answer them. (I reserve the right to not answer any question, but I doubt that there's many I won't answer.)


a must-see

Between "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "The X-Files" is "Miracles."

You'll regret not catching it from the beginning.
a must-read

POPSCRATCH in ultra fine point sharpie is Certified Bitchen. Especially check out the personalized fiction in Throat.

That is all.



My office manager just handed me my new "Group Benefits" pamplet. Under the list of Non-covered Losses is:

auto-erotic asphixiation

Now I have to get additional insurance for that...
mp3 help

Does anyone have (or can anyone make or find) an mp3 of "Let Me Clear My Throat" by DJ Kool? My girls would be eternally grateful!

UPDATE: LilFluffy got it for me. Thanks, Fluff!


hoo boy

Phone conversation with She-who-must-not-be-named last night:

Your mom is psycho.

I know, she's a real downer, that's why I don't hang around her. I couldn't live with her.

Here's what I'm thinking, I don't know what you'll think about it.

What's that?

I think I'll get you and your two brothers together and say "Look, I know you don't like your mom very much, and you think she's a psycho bitch, but she's your psycho bitch, not mine. I have no responsibility to her. You guys need to help her find a place to go."

That's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say.




How do you divorce your mother-in-law? The apple didn't fall far from the tree I guess.
very nice

Katie maybe katherine is a very engaging read. Thanks to her $10 donation to buy Tony Pierce a Car, and his requisite back link, I've found one of those blogs that you can't stop reading. Even her limerence stories about her boyfriend, Matthew, are terribly endearing.

I need to set up a paypal link...
Impotence Drug Makes Life Hard for Family

Gosh, do you think they could have chosen a better headline?
i think I know why the shuttle broke up...

...it's a wonder it didn't go back in time, too.



Yahoo! Mail
I've finally cured the problem of my perpetually full Yahoo! Mail acct. I wanted to offload some messages, but didn't want to pay $30/yr for the privilege of outgoing POP service. So I found this utility: YahooPops! that allowed me to offload 1600 messages to my local copy of Eudora. It was nice to get those 1400 emails from The Woman Who Never Answers the Phone off of my account. I couldn't bear to delete them. Not yet. They still mean too much to me. So now I won't have to perpetually remove messages to just to make sure there's room for the next Blog Comment email.

Anger Management
The "dog method" of anger management (see pics at right) seems to be a great success. The linked post above details the last major use of it back in June. Of course, not having She-who-must-not-be-named around helps with my stress level, but MIL seems to have taken up that role. So many things don't upset me that used to (of course, it could be Celexa helping) but I am so concious of the things that will upset me and I deal with them. It only took about three turns of the dog to manage it. Less than a month. Very cool.

If you try it and find it successful, email me. I'll post your stories.