king kamehameha biatch


My Ex's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch,
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch,
She's a bitch to all the boys and girls.

On Monday she's a bitch
On Tuesday she's a bitch
On Wednesday through Saturday she's a bitch
Then on Sunday just for a switch,
She's a super king Kamehameha biatch!

Have you ever met my stupid Ex?
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
She's a mean old bitch, she has stupid hair,
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
Bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
She's a stupid bitch, my Ex's a bitch,
And she's such a dirty bitch.

"You cost us $2500," she wrote. "I told PegLeg you were and honorable man and now you've made me look like a liar!"

Riddle me this: Why should a couple that didn't even pay $2500 in taxes get more than that back in taxes? More importantly, why the hell should I let a woman who paid exactly $0 in support claim one of my kids on her taxes?

"We had a deal!" she screamed at me last night, "you were going to reimburse me for the support I paid."

"I said that I'd pay you some back if you went through the system and paid the support. You didn't do that. You didn't pay me; I didn't pay you. Therefore there was no agreement."

"Why should I go through all that if you're just going to pay me back?"

"Because the law says so. Because it's the responsible thing to do."

"Who says?"

"The State of Indiana."

"Nobody cares. You don't see the state hounding me or putting me in jail."

"They would if I filed the paperwork."

"They would if you filed the paperwork..."

Katie, my eldest, tells me and LadyCat later that her mom said she'd sit them down this weekend and tell them about all the evil things their father did to her.

Do I even need to explain how wrong that is? The older two kids don't even want to go but they know their mom will be mad at them for not wanting to come and probably blame me for poisoning them against her.

LadyCat accurately pegged that as "projection"--assuming others are doing the same evil things you are.

I'm going to file the paperwork.


guilty until proven innocent

"An unemployed mechanic with a criminal record has now been charged with kidnapping and murder. Joseph P. Smith, 37, continued to refuse to answer questions about the 11-year-old girl. South Florida authorities said Thursday that "strong evidence" links Smith to Brucia's kidnapping. Authorities believe Smith is the tattooed man in a mechanic's shirt on the tape. He was taken into custody on a tip from a woman who lives with him.

The sheriff choked back tears as he announced the girl's death Friday morning. Regarding Smith, another sheriff's official said, 'We now stand ready to complete our obligation, and assure you that he will pay the ultimate price for what he did to her.'

Don't get me wrong, the asshole should burn if and when he's proven guilty, but it is totally irresponsible for an officer of the law to state on national television and say that "he" (what other antecedent could there be?) did [it] to her.

This guy might even get a dismissal out of this.

Let's hope he doesn't hire Robert Shapiro.
