
NOTE: The following site is NOT a parody. It is real.

Being raised in a brainwashing, fundamentalist cult I cast an eye with pity and no small dose of ironic humor to a site like objective.jesussave.us. Some samples:

Creation Science Fair
"My Uncle Is A Man Named Steve (Not A Monkey)"
"Life Doesn't Come From Non-Life"
"Women Were Designed For Homemaking"
My Favorite: "Using Prayer To Microevolve Latent Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria"

Apple Macintosh is of the devil.
"Hypnotically encased iMacs trick unsuspecting computer users into accepting Darwinism"
"If you are using a new Macintosh running OS X then you probably have these 'daemons' on your computer, hardly something a good Christian would want!"

Landover Baptist (parody Web site) is run by the Anti-Christ.
Landover Baptist is an "obvious instance of anti-Christian hate crime"
"Blasphemous atrocity"

Make your own Crucifixion nail!
Caution: Pointy edges. Not for children under 5.
Requires: 1 sheet of paper or card stock, scissors, scoring tool, glue or tape.

Unrelated, but hilarious:
The story of a girl who got Chris Rock's old phone number.


top 'o the mornin' to ya

click to enlarge Pictured here is the bar I work at for five hours every other weekend. This pic was taken many decades ago and at the time it was called the "Tally-Ho."

The Tally-Ho. How times change.

Now it's called "O'Brien's Pub" and it's open all day today. LadyCat and I have been invited to come as special guests. Sort of.

Anyway, I'm totally excited about this: I found the picture at left (click to see a larger, less-cropped version) on the local library site. I'm having Kinko's printing it at 18" x 24" and LadyCat and I bought a frame last night. We're giving it to the owners as a St. Patrick's Day/Congratulations on Your Recent Renovations gift.

The place had, until a few weeks ago, an ugly 8' drop-ceiling. They ripped it out to reveal the original 14' rolled tin ceiling. They added new lights and painted and now it looks like a respectable Irish Pub instead of the Dive Bar I started working at.

Green beer tonight.


i never seen what she, uh, seen in him

That's right! It's a new MOL quote for your butts. "I never seen what she, uh, seen in him, y'know."

It's official. The Ex's marriage to PegLeg lasted less time than my singledom. She left him on Monday--less than a year after their nuptials.

I won't dwell on it. Just an update.

I, on the other hand, am doing incredibly well. LadyCat moved in with me shortly after Christmas. She is an amazing woman. To say she's "smart" would be an understatement. The "acts of service" I talked about before continue and never cease to amaze me.

Why would anyone want to do something for me with no strings attached? That is so foreign to me that it's refreshing every single day, a dozen times a day, when she does them. She's a master cook. She's great with budgeting. She finds me, remarkably, attractive. She has dark red hair and green eyes. And she's very much the redhead. "Descended from Cats" as Mark Twain once claimed about redheads.

The fictional author in As Good as it Gets, Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson) explained how he wrote such good female characters: "I write a man. Then I take away all reason and accountability."

That's not her. When we argue, I can actually follow her train of thought. We can debate without emotion (heaven!). And--she makes me laugh. She is all the things I've looked for.

I think she's a keeper.