the end

This is it.

This is the end of everything bitchen.blogspot.com.

This blog is so concerned with what happened in what I increasingly consider the past.

This past is one that I leave behind with my impending nuptials.

This blog may have saved my sanity, but LadyCat has saved my life.

I don't want to think about the issues I dealt with here.

I don't want to know how obsessed I was.

I don't want to know how stupid I was.

I don't even want to know how clever I was, if I was ever that clever.

I've learned the things that I've learned. I don't need to go back and relearn them.

I've learned a lot of things without the aid of this blog.

I've learned not to put too much ink on a press.

I've learned that top soil washes off of clay.

I've learned that not all liberals suck and not all conservatives are right.

I've learned Tony's List is a good one.

I've learned that violating too many rules on Tony's List will render a blog ineffective, even if you want to continue.

I've learned that a blog is not more important than people.

I don't need to share my new life with you as I find it fascinating and wonderful, but you'd find it boring as hell.

I am guilty of what I charged my blogging mentor of: being happy rather than being interesting. And that's okay.

The most true thing I've discovered is this: Interesting personal blogs only come from emotionally single people. Refute it if you can, but you won't convince me.

Since I've typed my first character in this blog, I am the least emotionally single person I have ever been.

Don't look for me to come back.

I don't foresee myself being emotionally single again.




in case you were wondering...

LadyCat and Ric are registered at Wal-Mart.