is she doing what i think she's doing?

So, I'm looking at the MSNBC Dogshow Site and this is the picture that comes up. I'm thinking, "is she doing what i think she's doing? Is that the international sign for giving head?" and "Exactly what trick does the dog do when she makes this sign? Does it involve peanut butter?"

Then I thought, "that would be really funny on my blog."
So I right clicked to save it. You know what it was named?


How incriminating! One must wonder.



In thirty minutes I start my new part-time job: bartender. I've had my permit for a year. If you're a long time reader, you'll recall my lame-brained fiasco in getting the permit. I was going to tends bar to help pay for child supprt, but then I got custody and didn't have time to tend bar.

I'm not doing this for the money. I'm only doing it when the kids are away. I'm doing it for the experience. and the social aspects. I'm not doing it to meet women. The bar is next door to LadyCat's Antique and Artisans store. If I wanted to tend bar to meet women, I wouldn't do it there. The truth is that it's a really laid-back place (O'Brien's on S. Calhoun if you live in Fort Wayne) and it looks like a hoot.

Stop by and have a beer. You won't regret it.



I swear to God that this is the most addictive Web site ever.

Random, anonymous, true confessions.



ladycat says hi

I've decided to call my girlfriend "LadyCat" for reasons known only to me.

LadyCat joined me at my Mom's for Thanksgiving and my brother took this picture. She's a hoot.

We seem to fill in each others gaps, yet we complete each other's sentences. She is strong where I am weak and vice versa. She is helping me with my budget and other parts in my life that are flagging and that means a lot to me.

I've talked a bit about "Love Languages" in the past and it's really a refreshing change to be with someone who shares my love language of "acts of service." It's so natural for her to do things for me and I for her. It's not an effort like giving gifts is for me. (That was The Ex's love language if you recall.) So, by just doing what comes natuarally, we communicate our feelings effortlessly.

You will hear more about her.