I just got a spam for an "adult entertainment site" with the subject line "Real Asian Women"

You know? That's what I'm really tired of: Adult sites featuring FAKE Asians.

"Heeeeyy, she's not really Asian..."



Wellbutrin is Aphrodesiac for Some

You gotta trust me on this one. Wellbutrin is a fecking wonder drug. (see this post for more on the wonders of Wellbutrin)
Mary pointed to Truth in Advertising in her blog. It's one of the funniest videos I've seen since "George Lucas in Love."
WARNING! Total geek blog entry to follow.
"Linux (for PlayStation 2)" Release 1.0 is ready to ship! (hurrah!) Requires "real" monitor and $199.
Look at this! It's hilarious. From Kiplinger's TaxCut. I was doing my taxes just now (v.g.!) and this was a bit of irony somebody put in the program. Notice parts outlined in red. XD


Groom Killed By Stripper's Boobs

What a way to die. Hilarious, true article. Quote: "Who could have known that when he was waving his hands around, he was signaling for help?"

I'll write some actual content soon. Niles is still very confused and feeling a bit, well, let's leave it at confused. Never underestimate the magnetism of a Dell power adapter.

Florida town casts out Satan

...and it's not even from The Onion.

Milwaukee Woman Sees Jesus in a Tree

No comment.
Feel free to comment below. (Click the "Speak?" link.)


Niles is very confused. Index is high, but negative.

UPS sues over anatomically correct doll

The courier's lawyer notes that the product is advertised as "'anatomically complete' and ...is grotesquely so." Full story (and pictures).


$650,000 found in bag at O'Hare

Erm. It's mine! I swear!
Former Enron Vice Chairman J. Clifford Baxter "committed suicide." Hmmm. Something there doesn't work for me. If he told "all who would listen about the inappropriateness of our transactions with LJM" and was subpoenaed by the Government, it seems that he was about to get a bunch of rich people in trouble. And who, deciding to commit suicide and writing a note, goes out in the median of a road to shoot themselves in a car? Does this make any sense? Sure "[t]here were no signs of foul play", but what halfway decent enforcer (or secretive gov't agency) doesn't know how to fake a suicide?

I'm honestly not a conspiracy theorist by nature, but this seems fishy...
words mean things is a very nice blog. Good writing, nice photography.
Blogger Pro™ is actually out! Post in the future or past. Post via Email ["coming soon"]. Very nice.


Ride the roller coaster?

I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't live within driving distance of Cedar Point in Ohio. It is widely considered the best coaster park in the world.

Niles Index: 10 *whew*, *better*


Don't know if I'll sleep tonight.

Niles Index: 11 [but bending the needle.]
Stephen King is linking to bitchen.com! (My content site.) That's way cool!

Also, I'm driving to New York (10 hours) on Feb 2nd to see him, John Grisham, Peter Straub, and Pat Conroy read at the Frank Muller benefit. [read more]

The drive will be fine 'cause I'll be listening to Frank read either a Stephen King book [Wizard and Glass] or a Pat Conroy book [Beach Music]. Bitchen!


Go here. Smart, clever, creative, bitchy. This girl's got it all. Spoinky!


Yaaay I got comments! Wrote 'em myself. I'm so proud!

Comment, people, comment!
I'm wondering if I have Adult ADD. Hmmm. I read today they treat that with Wellbutrin. Guess what? I just started taking that. It is truly a wonder drug. Supresses appetite, anti-depressant, anti-craving. As far as I'm concerned, Wellbutrin (sold as Zyban) would be good at curbing any craving. Not just cigarettes. Junk food, too. Actually it seems to be reduing all addicitve behaviors. Of course addictive behavior is one of the many symptoms for ADD. So maybe that's it.

Niles Index still at 11. XD


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I'm forced to add a Spinal-Tap-esque setting to the Niles Factor.

Niles Factor:11 ^_^
Okay, so now I'm starting to get bit by the Ego Bug. She-who went to rehersal last night (the first without me) and came home reporting that they would add to their list of musicans a MIDI sequencer! Of course, I fat-fingered every song I ever played, but it still hurts to think you can be replaced by a machine.

Anyway, I still want the band to sound good, so I just hope that it doesn't become Karoake night because they have too many sequences.

Still upsets me a hair. I just hope it either sounds worse or a lotbetter. I can live with a lot better. I just can't live with marginally better.
Hey, sorry no entries over the weekend. Very busy; plus the one time I tried, Blogger was down. Go figure.

Spent Saturday learning a Rich Mullins song on guitar to do for church (where were you Becklyn?) and Sunday helping the girls clean up the landfill that their bedroom has become.

Red letter day yesterday, She-who-must-not-be-named actually issued an apology! That would be about the eighth in 15 years.

Plus! Positive events are sending my Niles Index all over the map. O_o Thanks, Daph.

Niles Index [at the moment]: 9


WooHoo! Daphne wrote me! She wasn't ignoring me after all!

Niles Factor: 10XD Woot!
Random email sig: "I normally avoid all needle drugs... but you are a dope worth shooting."
My blogdex link info. Just a note for me. Ignore this. O_o
Well, it was a nice little ride while it lasted.

I am unofficially out of the band. I'm staying on for five or so songs a night and running sound (and they're paying me.) While a blow to my ego, this is actually good news for many reasons:
  1. The old soundperson was the drummer's wife and what she didn't know about sound you could barely fit in the Grand Canyon.
  2. I am the least accomplished musician of the lot. It's no secret. I often wondered why I was hired to play with these guys to begin with. I was out of my league.
  3. She-who-must-not-be-named is still singing for them, and this will give me a chance to still be "in a band" with her without the stress of learning new songs. [See earlier blog entries.]
  4. I love running sound. I do it at church. My ear is okay, but I know the technology well.
  5. This gives me more time at home. No songs to learn/perfect. Few rehearsals. So I may finally have time to get organized and set up my studio.
  6. When the band sucks, I'll know it's not my fault. XD
(So that's it Quixx, no reason to come anymore unless you just want to sit and help me mix. I'd like that actually. Give me some pointers.)

Well, Princess (yes you), I guess you'll have to see me on stage some other way. We still need to go out and party soon. Miss that. Miss you.

What the hell, go here to read my philsophy of life. Really!


The Blogger Code is novel. How deep are you into it? My code is under "semicrits" at the right. (Till I change my layout...)

Also check out blogdex and find out how in-touch your blog is. Very intelligent.


Go Here! This is one of the oldest novelty sites on the Web. If you haven't seen it you've never truly hyper-surfed. This ranks right up there with Bert is Evil, "Walter Cronkite Spit in My Food", and the original Hampster Dance which apparently doesn't fecking exist anymore. (Anyone got an archive?) That was the silliest thing on the Web. You couldn't help but laugh.
Changed the layout image. Darkend the right third so you can read the text better and moved "bitchen" down to where it's supposed to be.


Go here! Stare at it for a minute. Bizarre!
Mimi has a new layout worthy of a plug.
Now, that's odd. If you look at my december archive, blogger renders it with my old layout. Wonder why. Wonder if it'll change after some update job is run... Hmmmm...

I'm not sure if that's cool or not.
Woohoo! Finally a new layout! bitchen v2!!! Plug Me! Plug Me! PLUG ME! Tell me what you think.

A very special thanks to my friend, Allen, for the original art. I just blog-ified it and grunged it.
It works now. Go figure. Didn't do anything... Oh, shoot, I bet I had a cached 404, cause it wasn't out there the first time I tried...
Arrgh! Can't get my freaking background image to come in! See that little blue pic at the bottom? That's it, but I can't get it to load as a BODY param or a CSS BODY-style param. Any hints? Let me know...


Spent the entire weekend putting new brakes on my car. Then a new caliper, then new wheel studs. What a pain.

We did have a gig saturday night. She-who-must-not-be-named was too sick to show up to sing, so that cut 10 songs out of the playlist, then the rest of us had the worst night ever.

Everyone! Sing like the muchkin coroner:
It did not only merely suck,
it really most sincerely sucked!

Daphne's ignoring me...


Hello IPFW! Too many things going on to even type them. Home life very rocky.

Niles Factor: 4 Wish she'd write...


Colin's got a new layout and wants a plug. From what I read elsewhere, he's an intelligent guy and a competent hacker. God, I wish I had time to do a new layout. Wish I was a teenager again. XD

If you haven't seen it, go to my content site, bitchen.com. FYI, my blog isn't there because I don't necessarily want everyone who sees that site to see this stuff. But if you've read this, seeing that site is just bitchen.

Does anyone remember (besides Quixx) remember the old Amiga Demo "Hypnotic Hammer?" That goes way back, but that'd make a good layout... [Hey, Quixx, you need a site I can link to.]

Quixx runs Blender Radio, an eclectic mix of everything but country. XP If you have broadband, you should go there.
Man, blogger was down for almost a whole day. Sorry for the missed update day... XP


Hmmm. A couple of visits from someone at IPFW (my alma mater) and another from FWI (a local ISP). Wonder who...

Anyone care to fess up? -_o


Niles Factor: 10
I think Daphne stopped by. Even if not, it send my Niles Factor into the stratosphere. Mail me, Daph.
Emmy plugged me! Wow. And I got a bunch of hits. Thanks guys! XD

I was getting so little traffic that my blog almost committed suicide! Well, I might just have to update my layout! [And get a friggin comment server working]...
And Em, dear, feel free to refer to me as "him." -_o


Emmy has yet another new layout. Man I gotta do something else.

Saw LOTR on Sunday. Bitchen movie. I'm sure I missed a ton of stuff. Got to see it again.

The New Years gig was great, at least until about 3:30, when she-who-must-not-be-named started making out with some guy at the bar. Then it became bizarre. This is why I don't drink. [Well, that and the prayers to the porcelin god.]

I got to announce the dildo races, that was truly surreal.

I'll try to get comments and a guestbook up soon, but for now, if you're even reading this (stats are WAY down) drop me an email.

Niles factor: 6.5